Wong Kwan Kwan Jenny 12806
其他大學 / 已畢業
經驗: 10年經驗以上 / English Language A Maths A* Chinese A*
主修: English Language
老師可教授地區: 灣仔區、南區、中西區
Wong Kwan Kwan Jenny 說:
I have spent 7 years studying in the UK. I graduated from King’s College London with BA English Language and Communication. I went to Marymount Secondary School and Marymount Primary School.
I have been tutoring 2 boys from Wan Yan College which they have promoted to from their primary school.
I am currently teaching K2 in Spanish International School
I am currently studying the part-time program for Postgraduate Diploma of Education in Early Childhood Education at University of Hong Kong.
Native English speaker