Sin Ho Ping 5514
香港科技大學 / Year 4 學士
經驗: 3年經驗 / Maths V* m1 V
主修: Bba finance
老師可教授地區: 觀塘區、九龍區、沙田區
Sin Ho Ping 說:
大家好我叫Jason, 現正在hkust 修讀金融. 過去曾幫助不少在校內試成績不理想甚至不合格的中學生補習, 令他們最終在公開考試取得V或以上的成績. 我在課堂上視我的學生如朋友一樣, 不少入了大學後的學生都仍然與我保持聯繫. 所以可以期待我的課堂不會沉悶. :)

Hello fellow potential students, I am Jason and I am studying in HKUST majoring in Finance. I have taught countless students with unsatisfactory math results during their secondary school days and eventually they got level V or above in their hkdse examination. I treat my students as friends so expect to have an interesting class with me. :)